Emergency Medical Services (EMS) - A.A.S. Degree/Certificate

Emergency Medical Services

The Alvin Community College EMS Program is designed to prepare students for a career in emergency medical services.

The courses in the ACC EMS Program lead to certification(s) in EMT, AEMT, and Paramedic.

The certification program is set up in a simple 3 step process:

 Semester 1: EMT, Students take the EMT certification course. Students successfully completing the first semester take the NREMT certification exam to earn an EMT-Basic Certification.

Semester 2: AEMT, Students Take the Advanced EMT certification course. Students completing the second semester may take the NREMT certification exam to earn an Advanced EMT Certification.

Semesters 3 and 4: Paramedic, Students take the two semester Paramedic Course. Students completing the final two semesters take the NREMT certification exam to earn a Paramedic Certification.

AAS Degree: Students who also successfully complete all the above along with the additional general education courses will earn an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Emergency Medical Services, which broadens and heightens the student’s career opportunity and portability.

*note all certification courses must be taken in order.

EMS heart rate monitor  group of EMS workers

Career Opportunities

EMTs and paramedics are employed in a number of industries including private ambulance firms, local governments, service providers, hospitals, industrial/occupational safety, fire department EMS agencies, disaster/special rescue teams, special event/entertainment medic, and police/tactical paramedic. The demand is high for EMTs and paramedics and will continue to increase as the population grows.

In the State of Texas, there are almost 800 EMS agencies, staffing over 72,000 responding professionals, on over 5,000 ambulances. 

For more information on career opportunities in Emergency Medical Services, please visit Career Coach where you can explore the local job market, take a career assessment, and build a resumé.

Career Data

Program Goals

To prepare competent entry-level Paramedics in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains with exit points at the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician, Emergency Medical Technician, and Emergency Medical Responder levels.

In this program you will learn to:

Respond to 911 calls for emergency medical assistance, assess a patient's condition and determine a course of treatment. You will also learn to provide treatment or life support care to sick or injured patients and how to transport patients safely in an ambulance.


Curriculum Guide – Emergency Medical Services (EMS) - A.A.S. Degree/Certificate

Total Credits Required for A.A.S. Emergency Medical Services Degree: 60

+ Denotes core requirement. Speak with Department Chair or Pathways Advisor for proper course selection.

* Capstone Course

Statutory law (Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 53) requires the Alvin Community College nursing and allied health programs to notify prospective applicants and future healthcare professionals a licensing/credentialing authority may suspend or revoke a license/credential, disqualify a person from receiving a license/credential, or deny to a person the opportunity to take a licensing/credentialing examination on the grounds that the person has been convicted of certain criminal behavior.

    Emergency Medical Services Paramedic Certificate, CERT1

    (CIP 51.0904)


    Emergency Medical Services Program 

    Paramedic Admission Requirements

    Paramedic cohorts begin every August (Fall semester). The ACC EMS Program only runs one Paramedic cohort per academic year. Applications are available at https://www.alvincollege.edu/ems/ or in the Health Science Building Room S108. See the Emergency Medical Services website for application acceptance dates and deadlines. Qualified applicants are admitted according to space available. To be considered for admission into the Paramedic portion of the Emergency Medical Services Program, the applicant must:

    1. Have completed the Apply Texas application.
    2. Been accepted to Alvin Community College.
    3. Have submitted all required official transcripts to Alvin Community College.
    4. Have access to your Alvin Community College email account.
    5. Be 18 years of age or older.
    6. A high school diploma or GED is required.
      1. the high school diploma must be from a school accredited by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) or a corresponding agency from another state. Candidates who received a high school education in another country must have their transcript evaluated by a foreign credentials evaluation service that attests to its equivalency. A home school diploma is acceptable (TAC RULE §157.33 - Certification).
    7. Have a VALID Texas Driver's License or Valid Texas Identification Card.
    8. Have a VALID Social Security card or Permanent Resident Card.
    9. Have a VALID, non-expired, non-suspended TEXAS AEMT Certification or National Registry AEMT certification
      Have a VALID, non-expired, non-suspended TEXAS EMT Certification and an Advanced EMT course completion certificate from a TEXAS Department of State Health Services approved AEMT course.
    10. American Heart Association BLS CPR Certification (No other forms of CPR certification are permitted).
    11. Complete all Viewpoint requirements. (See Student Accountability).
    12. Meet the functional and physical qualifications required to work as a Paramedic (See Above).
    13. Complete, in its entirety, the Paramedic application.

    Total Credits Required for Certificate in Emergency Medical Services Paramedic: 22

    * Capstone Course

    Statutory law (Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 53) requires the Alvin Community College nursing and allied health programs to notify prospective applicants and future healthcare professionals a licensing/credentialing authority may suspend or revoke a license/credential, disqualify a person from receiving a license/ credential, or deny to a person the opportunity to take a licensing/credentialing examination on the grounds that the person has been convicted of certain criminal behavior.

      Emergency Medical Services Advanced Certificate, CERT1

      (CIP 51.0904)


      Emergency Medical Services Program 

      Advanced EMT (AEMT) Admission Requirements:

      AEMT courses are only offered during Spring and Summer semesters. Applications are available at https://www.alvincollege.edu/ems/ or in the Health Science Building Room S108. See the Emergency Medical Services website for application acceptance dates and deadlines. Qualified applicants are admitted according to space available. To be considered for admission into the AEMT portion of the Emergency Medical Services Program, the applicant must:

      1. Have completed the Apply Texas application.
      2. Been accepted to Alvin Community College.
      3. Have submitted all required official transcripts to Alvin Community College.
      4. Have access to your Alvin Community College email account.
      5. Be 18 years of age or older.
      6. Unless a dual-enrolled high school student, a high school diploma or GED is required.
        1. the high school diploma must be from a school accredited by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) or corresponding agency from another state. Candidates who received a high school education in another country must have their transcript evaluated by a foreign credentials evaluation service that attests to its equivalency. A home school diploma is acceptable. (TAC RULE §157.33 - Certification).
      7. Have a VALID Texas Driver's License or Valid Texas Identification Card.
      8. Have a VALID Social Security card or Permanent Resident Card.
      9. Have at least one of the following:
        1. Valid, non-expired, non-suspended TEXAS EMT Certification or;
        2. A valid course completion certificate from a TEXAS Department of State Health Services approved EMT course AND documentation of an approved or in progress TEXAS Department of State Health Services EMT certification application.
      10.  American Heart Association BLS CPR Certification (No other forms of CPR certification are permitted).
      11. Complete all Viewpoint requirements. (See Student Accountability)
      12. Meet the functional and physical qualifications required to work as an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (See Above).
      13. Complete, in its entirety, the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician application.

      Total Credits Required for Certificate in Advanced Emergency Medical Technician: 18

      ​​​​​​​Statutory law (Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 53) requires the Alvin Community College nursing and allied health programs to notify prospective applicants and future healthcare professionals a licensing/credentialing authority may suspend or revoke a license/credential, disqualify a person from receiving a license/credential, or deny to a person the opportunity to take a licensing/credentialing examination on the grounds that the person has been convicted of certain criminal behavior.

        *How Much Will the Program Cost?

        Approximate costs for the EMT A.A.S. Degree program including tuition and fees are $6.126.00 for in-district students, $9.033.00 for students out-of-district, and $12,239.00 for non-residents. 

        Approximate costs for the EMT Paramedic Certificate program including tuition and fees are $4,828.00 for in-district students, $6,868.00 for students out-of-district, and $9,173.00 for non-residents. 

        Approximate costs for the EMT Advanced Certificate program including tuition and fees are approximately $2,304.00 for in-district students, $3,222.00 for students out-of-district, and $4,361.00 for non-residents. 

        Approximate costs for the EMT Basic program including tuition and fees are approximately $871 for in-district students, $1,177 for out-of-district students, and $1,495 for non-residents.

        Additional associated fees and textbooks must be calculated separately. 

        For more information on education costs, payment options, payment plans, deadlines and more, visit our Tuition and Fees section.

        Financial assistance is available for those who qualify.  For more information, visit our Financial Aid section.

        *Alvin Community College may change tuition rates and other fees without notice or when so directed by the Board of Regents.

        The paramedic program of Alvin Community College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP).

        CAAHEP Accredited Paramedic Programs and CoAEMSP Letter of Review (LoR) programs track and report outcome measures annually to the Committee on Accreditation for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP).

        The most current CoAEMSP Annual Report was for the calendar year 2022.

        The most recent success rate for the National Registry for EMT Paramedic/State Written exam was 60%. 

        The most recent positive placement rate for graduates was 100%. Positive placement is defined by the CoAEMSP as "Employed full or part-time in a related field and/or continuing his/her education and/or serving in the military." Positive placement is measured at completion of the program. 

        The most recent retention rate was 83.3%.

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